Sin weighs us down, but we long for freedom.
When harmful words or actions lead to broken relationships, we often aim for forgiveness. But forgiveness can be elusive. Sometimes it can take our whole lives to forgive those who have harmed us. Sometimes we may never manage it. And when we are the ones responsible for rupture, we may long for a reconciliation that doesn’t come.
Lent is a time to reflect on how Jesus frees us from the burden of sin, both personal and communal. It’s a time to orient ourselves toward Easter and the possibility of new life in Christ. Unburdened invites readers to hear God’s call to move away from brokenness and into the healing and hope of the resurrection. Author Carol Penner draws on her experiences as a pastor, chaplain, and theologian to help readers navigate the forgiveness journey. Through prayers, scripture reflections, and stories about individuals and communities, be encouraged to take small steps toward the freedom found in forgiveness.
Wednesday: Bearing Mercy
Thursday: Praying in Parts
Friday: Inspiring Invitations
Saturday: Pondering Our Enemies
Palm Sunday: Acting Mercifully
Monday: Overcoming Shame
Tuesday: Singing Thanks
Week 6: Building Forgiveness
Wednesday: Being Transformed
Thursday: Supporting Accountability
Friday: Fostering Forgiveness
Saturday: Reaching Out
Palm Sunday: Making Peace
Monday: Relinquishing Revenge
Tuesday: Tending Sheep, Feeding Lambs
Week 7: Treading Holy Ground
Wednesday: Kneeling Faithfully
Maundy Thursday: Telling Our Stories
Good Friday: Breaking Free
Holy Saturday: Embracing Love
Easter Sunday: Leaping Over Walls!
Guide for Small Groups
The Author
“Several things endeared me to Unburdened. I liked its thoroughness, its use of contemporary versions of Scripture, and the telling of true stories drawn from real lives lived in community. Add to that the challenge to the reader to ponder thoughtfully and practice faithfully the exercises suggested by the author. This is a book worth buying for personal use and to give away. I highly recommend it.”
Luci Shaw, poet and author of The Generosity and Eye of the Beholder
“Jesus calls to himself those who are weary and burdened, promising to give them rest, saying that his yoke is easy and his burden light. This beautifully honest book about the promise and demands of forgiveness is a Lenten companion to those words, conveying Christ’s rest for our many burdens.”
Jonathan Tran, associate dean for faculty in the Honors College and associate professor of theology at Baylor University and the author of Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism
“Jesus offers us life, abundant life, which is a lifelong journey of unburdening. That’s the Lenten experience made available to us in these pages. Carol Penner guides us down the path of repentance and forgiveness as we confront the powers of sin in us and around us, all as part of our lifelong pilgrimage into the wonders of grace, of grace upon grace—the endless grace of God’s life with us.”
Isaac S. Villegas, ordained minister and contributing editor for the Christian Century
“The forty-day spiritual trek we call Lent is too often a solitary journey inward in self-exploration. This book offers a journey back to failures, outward to co-travelers, and forward in a search for forgiving, reconciling, and reconstruction of relationships. I suspect that the teacher Jesus would like this book even more than I do since it fulfills his vision of what real spirituality is truly about. Carol Penner is a trustworthy guide for this walk of renewal through reunion with others.”
David Augsburger, professor emeritus of pastoral care and counseling at Fuller Seminary School of Theology and author of The Freedom of Forgiveness and Caring Enough to Confront