...“An excellent book, full of practical wisdom and gripping stories. This book flows from the heart of a person who has lived what he preaches. Careful reading of Faithful in Small Things will bring large benefits.”RONALD J. SIDER, emeritus professor of theology, holistic ministry, and public policy at Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University
“Kevin Wiebe challenges individuals and communities to rethink the powers, resources, and relationships for Christ-centered service. Wide-ranging, rooted, and thoughtful, Faithful in Small Things affirms our ordinary and profound roles in God’s daily work in the world.”JONATHAN M. SEARS, associate professor of international development studies, Menno Simons College of Canadian Mennonite University at University of Winnipeg
“Kevin Wiebe challenges readers to think more deeply and biblically about poverty and to encounter the stories of those who have experienced poverty in some way. He calls us to examine assumptions, and to respond in concrete, vulnerable, and holistic ways.”JEREMY M. BERGEN, director of theological studies, Conrad Grebel University College