Book details

Dear White Peacemakers

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hardcover ebook

Dear White Peacemakers

by Osheta Moore and Jen Hatmaker

Dear White Peacemakers is a breakup letter to division, a love letter to God’s beloved community, and an eviction notice to the violent powers that have sustained racism for centuries.
Race is one of the hardest topics to discuss in America. Many white Christians avoid talking about it altogether. But a commitment to peacemaking requires white people to step out of their comfort and privilege and into the work of anti-racism. Dear White Peacemakers is an invitation to white Christians to come to the table and join this hard work and holy calling. Rooted in the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus, this book is a challenging call to transform white shame, fragility, saviorism, and privilege, in order to work together to build the Beloved Community as anti-racism peacemakers.
Written in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Dear White Peacemakers draws on the Sermon on the Mount, Spirituals, and personal stories from author Osheta Moore’s work as a pastor in St. Paul, Minnesota. Enter into this story of shalom and join in the urgent work of anti-racism peacemaking.










Preface: Markers on My Hand, a Call to Empathy
Come to the Table
Part I: Wade in the Water

  1. God’s Gonna Trouble the Water: Fleeing White Supremacy
  2. Your Name Is Not Racist, It’s Beloved
  3. Let’s Forge a New Way
  4. Oh Lord, She Put Tomatoes in the Gumbo
  5. Nah. An Eviction Notice From The Beloved Community
Part II: There Is a Balm in Gilead
  1. To Heal the Sin-Sick Soul: Rejecting White Apathy
  2. Where Does It Hurt?
  3. I’m Sorry and I’m Listening
  4. Last Words
  5. If I Don’t Make It Home Safely
  6. We Raise Our Hands
Part III: Down by the Riverside
  1. Ain’t Gonna Study War No More: Disarming White Fragility
  2. Who Told You You Had to Do This Alone?
  3. Your Love Is Not Fragile
  4. Yes, You Can Touch My Hair
  5. Confessions of a Judgmental Ally
Part IV: Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around
  1. Marchin’ Up to Freedom Land: Leveraging White Privilege
  2. Free, Black, and Southern
  3. Two Scoops of Justice and Peace, Please
  4. When “Black Lives Matter” Sounds Like “I Love You”
  5. What We’re Not Going to Do: A New Orientation to Anger
  6. Forgiving While Black
  7. White Saviorism and Black Joy
  8. Breathing Room
  9. Please Kneel for the Kingdom Anthem
  10. Amen! A Benediction

Epilogue: By the Waters of Bde Maka Ska

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Praise for Dear White Peacemakers