Galatians by George Brunk III tracks the important role that this epistle of the Apostle Paul played in Christianity’s shift from being a messianic sect within Judaism to a Gentile-dominated religious movement. As a sustained defense of Jesus Christ as the center of faith, the full unity and equality of Christ’s followers, and the Spirit’s empowerment in the life of the believer, Galatians holds both world-changing and personally transforming power for the contemporary church. Brunk’s commentary, an important contribution to biblical studies, includes historical and cultural background; shares necessary theological, sociological, and ethical meanings; and, in general, makes “the rough places plain.”
Volume 28 in the Believers Church Bible Commentary series
About Believers Church Bible Commentary Series
Accessible to lay readers, useful in preaching and pastoral care, helpful for Bible study groups and Sunday school teachers, and academically sound, the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series foregrounds an Anabaptist reading of Scripture. Published for all who seek more fully to understand the original message of Scripture and its meaning for today, the series is based on the conviction that God is still speaking to all who will listen, and that the Holy Spirit makes the Word a living and authoritative guide for all who want to know and do God’s will.