How can North Americans come to terms with the lamentable clash between indigenous and settler cultures, faiths, and attitudes toward creation? Showcasing a variety of voices—both traditional and Christian, native and non-native—Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry offers up alternative histories, radical theologies, and poetic, life-giving memories that can unsettle our souls and work toward reconciliation.
This book is intended for all who are interested in healing historical wounds of racism, stolen land, and cultural exploitation. Essays on land use, creation, history, and faith appear among poems and reflections by people across ethnic and religious divides. The writers do not always agree—in fact, some are bound to raise readers&rsqup; defenses. But they represent the hard truths that we must hear before reconciliation can come.
Many who read Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry are wondering, “How can I respond?” Paths for Peacemaking with Host Peoples is a short document intended to give people tangible ways to act and respond to some of the things learned in Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry. Click here to download.
Free downloadable study guide available here.